Careers in Outdoor Education

Keen to study to become an Outdoor Educator? There are over 34 undergraduate university courses in Australia. More details here.

Outdoor Education in your state

Connect with your local outdoor ed community. Take advantage of training, resources and all that’s happening in your state.

Latest Outdoor Education jobs

Looking for a full-time, part-time or casual job here in Australia or overseas? Apply away.

Get ready and get excited for NOEC 2024

Watch our NOEC 2024 introduction Video.

Click on image to watch on YouTube.

Outdoor Education Awards 2024

Nominations for the 2024 OEA Outdoor Education Awards are now open.


The 2024 OEA Awards cover 6 categories.

  • Outdoor Education Practitioner
  • Outdoor Education Emerging Practitioner
  • Outdoor Education Program
  • Service to Outdoor Education
  • Outdoor Education Fellow
  • JOEE Outdoor Education Research

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Outdoor Education Pathways

Meet Lindsay Blinco, a young OE Instructor from Queensland and our 2022 Emerging Practitioner. Learn how he became an outdoor educator.

Discover other Career stories here.

Out Now! April 2024 Issue of JOEE

The April 2024 Issue of JOEE is a special issue on OUTDOOR HEALTH AND NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS: RESEARCH, PRACTICE & POLICY. Outdoor and nature-based solutions for health and wellbeing encompass wide-ranging educational, environmental, health and human service settings. Approximately 40 academics across six papers share their stories of innovative processes or outcomes in nature-based practice with specific cohorts

Here’s an overview. LINK.