Six Challenges for the Next Decade – what it means for our youth

Future Agenda: Six Challenges for the Next Decade

Released in December 2016, this timely book from Caroline Dewing and Tim Jone provides globally researched, expert opinions on what challenges the future holds.


In an increasingly interconnected – and increasingly uncertain – world, companies, institutions and governments across the world recognise the vital need to pose this question in order to protect the interests of humanity.

Founded in 2009, the Future Agenda explores key issues facing society over the next decade through 120 workshops held in 45 locations around the world, making it the largest open forum of its kind. The Future Agenda: Six Challenges for the Next Decade contains findings from the second Future Agenda initiative, featuring experts from a vast spectrum of industries.

With essays falling under the themes of People, Place, Power, Belief, Behaviour and Business, this book is essential reading for all concerned by our collective well-being.

And following on from that, how can Outdoor Educators help students navigate the challenges and discover their place in our world, which is rapidly changing.

It explores 12 Common Views of the Future:

  1. Too Many People
  2. Running out of Resources
  3. Pollution is out of Control
  4. Migration is Bad
  5. There will not be Enough Jobs
  6. Female Education can Address Many Issues
  7. There will not be Enough Jobs
  8. Technology will Solve the Big Problems
  9. Solar is the Answer
  10. We Need to Rethink Retirements
  11. Health-care Spending will Only Go Ups
  12. This is the Asian Century
  13. GDP Growth is the Best Way to Measure Progress

And addresses these 6 Key Challenges

Challenge 1: Future People
Challenge 2: Future Place
Challenge 3: Future Power
Challenge 4: Future Belief
Challenge 5: Future Behaviour
Challenge 6: Future Business